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12 octobre 2010 2 12 /10 /octobre /2010 23:32



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Oh-là-là has been my graduation project. The development of this blog has been impulsed while I was on a teaching practice in a French highschool (Lycée Pilote Innovant International du Futuroscope). All the activities and exercises presented here have been tested with a class of Chinese students aged between 14 to 18, and the latest activities have been tested on different classes of the French Department of the University of Reading (UK). 


The blog was initially my master's thesis. It was made of three parts:

- an electronic workbook

- a pedagogical guide that can be found in the section nammed "Pour les Profs".

- a critical analysis of the work ("Analyse Critique d'Oh-là-là")


Nowadays, I keep on uploading new materials and activities on the blog. For any question, please contact me at duputie.etienne@hotmail.fr

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